
1. What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?

R:  Pride.

2. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

R: Lunch and dinner.

3. While on my way to St. Ives, I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives?

R: Just one, me.

4. What never gets any wetter, no matter how much it rains?

R: The sea.

5. What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

R: A deck of cards.

6. Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?

R: Because they were all married and not single.

7. A woman was horrified to find a fly in her tea. The waiter took her cup and went into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of tea. She shouted, "You brought me the same tea!" How did she know?

R: She had already put sugar in it and when she tasted the new tea it was already sweet.

8. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

R: A river.

9. A man was going to buy a $5000 car, but he didn't pay a penny for the car, how is this possible?

R: He didn't pay a penny, he payed $5000 for the car!

10. There are four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple , Yet one apple remains in the basket. How is this possible?

R: One girl took the basket. She took the last apple while it was in the basket.

11. What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over?
R: Wholesome

12. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

R: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

13. What can be heard and caught but never seen?

R: A Remark.

14. What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?

R: An umbrella.

15. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?

R: Silence

 16. How high would you have to count before you would use the letter A in the English language spelling of a whole number.

R: One thousand.

17.  What relation would your father's sister's sister-in-law be to you?

R: This person would be your mother.

19. If you're 8 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door. How many moves will it take to reach the door.

R: You will never reach the door, it will always be half the distance, no matter how small!

20. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States of America had the same parents, but were not brothers. 
How can this be possible?

R: They were the same man.

 Grover Cleveland served two terms as president of the United States, but the terms were not consecutive.

 21. The answer I give is yes, but what I mean is no. What was the question?

R: Do you mind?

22. A man goes out drinking every night, returning to his home in the wee hours of every morning. No matter how much he drinks, he never gets a hangover. This drink is very well known, but is rarely consumed, served warm and taken straight from its source. The man is a sucker for a free drink, especially since he can't live without it. What is his favorite drink?

R: Blood, he's a vampire!

 23. What is red and blue, and purple and green? No one can reach it, not even the queen?

R: A Rainbow.

24. I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be.

R: The word "Few".

25. I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes.

R: I am a Sponge.




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